Piotr Naskrecki, Ph.D – Director, E.O. Wilson Lab

For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by the diversity, beauty, and evolution of life. This passion led me to earn an M.Sc. in Zoology at the A. Mickiewicz University in Poland, and a Ph.D. in Entomology from the University of Connecticut. My fields of expertise are the evolution of singing insects, bat biology and behavior, and invertebrate conservation biology. I am also a nature photographer and writer.
I first visited the Park in May 2012 as a member of a scientific expedition lead by Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson. Our mission was to document the diversity of several groups of insects, and I was simply blown away by the richness of life I witnessed in Gorongosa, and the diversity and pristine condition of the natural habitats found in the park. While there, I became keenly interested in the efforts to create a modern biodiversity research laboratory in the park. A few years earlier I had been involved in a similar project in one of the protected areas in Costa Rica, and immediately recognized the incredible value and potential of the planned laboratory. Shortly after, Greg Carr asked me to join the lab’s scientific team, and I was more than happy to oblige.
My role at Gorongosa National Park includes directing the E.O. Wilson Laboratory, which has become the leading hub of biodiversity research in Mozambique. An important element of the Lab is a synoptic collection of animals and plants found in the park, which serves students and scientists interested in identification and conservation of Mozambique’s biological heritage. I also teach and mentor M.Sc. students enrolled in the Gorongosa BioEducation Program, a globally unique endeavor that trains the next generation of Mozambican conservation leaders and scientists.
As a nature photographer and writer, I work on projects that promote Gorongosa’s biological riches to the world. Currently, I am working on a field guide to the biodiversity of Gorongosa and a book on the biological interconnectedness withing Gorongosa complex landscapes.
The scientist in me sees Gorongosa as a laboratory of intricate ecological interactions, a place bursting with amazing, beautiful forms of life. Every walk on the slopes of Mount Gorongosa or in the grasslands on the shores of Lake Urema carries a promise of new observations and discoveries. The conservationist in me wants Gorongosa to become the beacon of healthy, peaceful coexistence of people, who have lived in this region for hundreds of thousands of years, and the natural world. The story of Gorongosa is a story of perseverance and optimism, a story of a place that is blessed by Nature. Gorongosa is already an unparalleled conservation success, and I am honored to be part of it.