Alberto Simone
Manager of the Community Based Natural Resources Management and Governance Program

Alberto Marcelino Albazino Simone has a degree in Environmental Management and Community Development and is studying a Master’s degree in Territorial Planning and Biodiversity Conservation. With 16 years of experience in community development and biodiversity conservation, he worked mainly in Manica province (Chimanimani National Park), Tete province and Sofala province (Gorongosa National Park), occupying the positions of field officer and project coordinator. In these provinces, it supported local communities on establishment of governance structures, Natural Resources Management Committees, and platforms for discussion of environmental issues and local development.
His professional career includes the delimitation of community lands, the establishment of agricultural associations, the establishment of community conservation areas, reforestation, the mitigation of human-wildlife conflict, as well as the implementation of community projects focused on the exploitation of non-timber forest products, all of which are aimed at gender inclusion. Alberto has also acquired extensive experience in community facilitation, especially in developing natural resource management plans, land use plans, monitoring environmental events and restoration. It also includes in its trajectory the participation of national forums such as Miombo Network and MozDGM, including its participation in the field team to collect socio-economic data that dictated the elaboration of the REDD+ Baseline in Beira corridor and Zambezia.
Since 2020, he has held the position of Manager of the Community Based Natural Resources Management and Governance Program in Gorongosa Restoration Project. In this role, he supports communities in the Gorongosa National Park Buffer Zone, encouraging their active participation in natural resource management, civic and cognitive participation in negotiation forums and decision-making.