Community Radio journalists from the districts of Gorongosa, Nhamatanda and Cheringoma visited Gorongosa National Park

by Janado Nazaré Cher

Community Radio journalists from the districts of Gorongosa, Nhamatanda and Cheringoma visited Gorongosa National Park to learn more about the Park and it’s projects and understand the connections to the local communities.

During the visit, they had the opportunity to talk with farmers in Mount Gorongosa and learm more about advantages of growing shade grown coffee, which is one of the varieties that the Park offers and which aims to improve the farmers’ income and restore the forest on Mount Gorongosa.

In addition to visiting the coffee production fields, journalists had the privilege of visting the processing factory and learning more about the processing and marketing of coffee in national and international markets. To complete the trip, they went on different safaris in the Park and see the restoration project.

Janelice Basílio, Supervisor of the Gorongosa Coffee Processing Plant, explained to journalists the issues of coffee quality and certification, as well as the daily processing capacity that the plant offers.

Gorongosa, Nhamatanda and Cheringoma are some of the districts surrounding the Park and the communities have community radio that they listen to which allows people to have access to information about the country and the world.

Community Radio journalists from the districts of Gorongosa, Nhamatanda and Cheringoma visit Gorongosa National Park
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Community Radio journalists from the districts of Gorongosa, Nhamatanda and Cheringoma visit Gorongosa National Park
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