Crimildo Cassamo, recently presented and discussed his doctoral thesis with the theme “Sustainable coffee production in Mozambique and bean quality in an agro-forestry system in Mt. Gorongosa”. Cassamo’s research work was conducted within the scope of the Tropical Knowledge and Management doctoral program, TropikMan, from the Nova School of Business and Economics. It was produced in partnership with ULisboa/Instituto Superior de Agronomia and Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.

Cassamo’s studies focused on projecting the impact of climate change on coffee production in Gorongosa and assessing the potential of agroforestry systems implemented in Serra da Gorongosa to counter deforestation. This is the first doctoral thesis by a Mozambican student focused on research into coffee, a crop that is in strong expansion in Mozambique.

Several articles have been published as a result of Cassamo’s research, with the most recent in Researchgate.

Gorongosa Café is part of a triangular cooperation project between Portugal, Mozambique and Brazil. Our collective goal is to mitigate deforestation, climate change, and increase income and food security for rural families. Of the 861 Mozambicans benefitting from growing coffee on Gorongosa Mountain, 360 are women. For more information on the TriCafe program, please visit

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Crimildo Cassamo
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