Elisa Langa
Director of Human Development.

My name is Elisa Langa, my vocation is teaching and so I trained as a teacher . I like to work with children and young people, which is very rewarding because in this way I can help people learn and strengthen their personality, so that they become individuals with values that society needs to develop. This is my personal mission. I taught for many years, working at the Ministry of Education and then moved to NGOs where I could continue to contribute to the development of education in Mozambique, through teacher training, support for girls’ education programs, strengthening school management and in other areas.
My biggest challenge was to facilitate processes that would improve the teaching and learning process, making students the center of learning. I worked at IBIS for 10 years, managing education programs, then I worked as a provincial manager of development projects at PLAN International. In 2019, I learned about Gorongosa National Park on TV and fell in love with the beautiful restoration work, which inspired me to visit the Park. I visited Gorongosa’s website where I could better understand the Human Development projects, especially education, which is my passion. I applied for the position of director of the department and here I am, making my contribution and sharing my experience. Focusing on girls’ education and women’s empowerment, in addition to other goals, I hope to help alleviate poverty in communities and create sustainable development. I believe in the work that GNP is doing; I believe in change; I believe that every girl of ours can win. I believe in education!