One of the biggest challenges for an organization is finding people with well-developed leadership skills. Understanding how to lead a team can make or break an organization. Being a leader means knowing how to solve problems, mediate conflicts and maintain an emotional balance.

Empowering young members of the Gorongosa National Park Youth Clubs to become strategic leaders is one of the Gorongosa Restoration Project’s main goals of creating a leadership  program. 

Leadership teams – including an elected president, vice president and a secretary  – were created for the Secondary School Youth Clubs in the districts of Cheringoma, Dondo, Gorongosa, Nhamatanda, Maringué and Muanza. These teams will work directly with the Club members and guide them in a way that helps them achieve their goals.

Being a Youth Club leader means more than occupying a management position. Each member of the leadership team must know how to connect with people, convey ideas and promote innovation. They are expected to display a good attitude, vision, help club members work as a team and achieve results. Team members will guide their group and ensure their safety to make decisions. All must have the ability to open paths, serve as an example, motivate, and encourage development. 

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