Girls Clubs at Gorongosa

Girls Clubs provide a safe and nurturing environment for young girls. Girls meet every weekday to study and learn life skills. They are provided school materials and uniforms to facilitate their continued enrollment in school. Girls go on excursions to learn about career options and receive career counseling from young women.This activity started in 2016; there are currently 50 clubs that serve 2000 girls.
About 94 percent of girls in Mozambique enroll in primary school, but only 11 percent of them continue on to secondary school (USAID, 2019). Enrollment rates are increasing, yet quality education in Mozambique is limited, especially in rural areas. According to UNICEF, an alarming 66 percent of students graduate from primary school without proper reading, writing and math skills. Students walk long distances to attend classes, and performing household chores leaves girls with little time for school. Mozambique’s female literacy rate is less than half that of males (28 percent vs. 60 percent).
Teenage pregnancy and early marriages cause girls drop out of school. Thirty to 40 percent of all girls marry before they turn age 18. Girls’ education is not valued and or prioritized as it is for boys, and girls are marginalized due to cultural norms. Often, only boys are educated beyond 7th grade, while girls stay home to take care of the household. Women are often marginalized, unempowered and not allowed to make household decisions.
What We Do
Girls Clubs keeps girls in school by encouraging them to complete their studies, delay pregnancy, and bring an end to child marriages.
Girls Club meetings
Girls Clubs provide a safe and nurturing environment for young girls. Girls meet every weekday to study and learn life skills. They are provided school materials and uniforms to facilitate their continued enrollment in school. Girls go on excursions to learn about career options and receive career counseling from young women.This activity started in 2016; there are currently 50 clubs that serve 2000 girls.
Create supportive education spaces
We build activity rooms and safe spaces where Girls Clubs meet. These are conventional buildings made of cement bricks. We started in 2018 and and have built and furnished eight activity rooms so far, and have plans fopr a further 92.
Provide Summer Camps.
We have so far run three summer camps in which 102 girls gained life skills.
Provide academic scholarships to secondary and technical schools for girls are for their mentors.
We assist girls in achieving their educational goals by providing Girls Club members scholarships for secondary school (five years in duration) and we enable the promoters who organize the Girls Clubs to receive technical training (three years in duration).
You can also send your donations to the following bank accounts –
Bank Name: UBS AG, Zurich, SZ
Account Name: UBS Financial Services Inc.
Account #: 0315-58890.70W
IBAN #: CH880031531505889070W
MEMO/REF: Please provide the following account title and account number in the memo section
Account Title: Gorongosa Project, Inc.
Client Account Number: Y6-00646
Bank Name – UBS AG
Address – 677 Washington Blvd, Stamford, CT 06901
Phone – 203-719-3000
Routing Number – 026007993
Account # – 101WA258640000
Account Name – UBS Financial Services Inc.
Swift Address – UBSWUS33 (if the sneding bank requires an 11 digit swift, please use UBSWUS33XXX
Reference / Memo
Client Names: Gorongosa Project, Inc.
Client Account # Y600646
Additional Education Programs

Youth Clubs
Youth Clubs are safe spaces where secondary school youth—girls and boys—can learn and practice life skills, leadership, and increase their knowledge about biodiversity conservation, local environmental issues, and other topics of interest.

Eco Clubs
Eco Clubs are a behaviour change program that encourages communities around the Park to adopt behaviours that benefit both nature and people, helping people to realize their survival depends on sustainable resource use and conservation.

Gorongosa Park Clubs
The Gorongosa Park Clubs Program improves children’s literacy and numeracy as well as cognitive, social, and emotional skills. We train teachers in innovative pedagogy that is appropriate for rural students and prepare teachers to create additional learning opportunities.