More than 25 Gorongosa Rangers received information and training on their rights, responsibilities and main functions in May. Topics included the right to use and carry firearms and other equipment as defined by law; assisting the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the investigation of crimes against wildlife; and refraining from practices that indicate the involvement of a crime and other relevant aspects in order to solve a particular case.

The Gorongosa Rangers also paid a visit to the National Service of Criminal Investigation office (SERNIC), the Office of the Prosecutor General, and the Gorongosa District Court where they asked questions and learned about the legal procedures taken into consideration in cases of neutralization and criminal investigations.

At the end of the visit, they were tasked with reviewing the statute of the prosecutor approved by the ministerial diploma 128/2006, of July 12, where fundamental aspects are highlighted, such as neutrality and impartiality; the power of authority; the duty to act with opportunity, congruence and proportionality; and avoiding potentially serious risks to their integrity or that of others.

Gorongosa Park’s wildlife conservation efforts depend on and are entrusted to this team of trained rangers led by fellow Mozambicans Tsuere Buramo (Head of Law-Enforcement) and pilot Alfredo Matevele (Deputy Head of Law-Enforcement).

The Rangers are rigorously selected and educated in conservation and human rights law. A number have received local and national awards for outstanding service and participate in advanced training each year.

Gorongosa Rangers patrol over 11,900 km of habitat spanning the Park, including an additional area adjacent to the Zambezi River north of the Park (since 2018), the surrounding sustainable development zone, and several areas adjacent to the Park as part of a long-term vision to extend wildlife corridors “from Mountain to Mangrove”.

As a result, the number of snares and gin-traps found within the Park perimeters have declined significantly and a number of perpetrators involved in ivory smuggling, illegal logging and pangolin poaching cases were caught and prosecuted.

The Gorongosa Rangers are also instrumental in mobilizing local leaders and educating local communities. Many of the rangers are from the communities they serve and establish long term trust. For example, when Cyclone Idai landed in 2019, Gorongosa Rangers were among the first responders reaching flooded communities to provide food and medical support to affected families.

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