Gorongosa In the News

Gorongosa has received extensive press coverage over the past several years, from the New York times, to National Geographic, from RTP to O Pais - Check out the links below for some of the most recent -

Recent Coverage of Gorongosa National Park

Gorongosa has received extensive press coverage over the past several years, from the New York times, to National Geographic, from RTP to O Pais – Check out the links below for some of the most recent – 

How one of Africa’s great parks is rebounding from war

“You can just see nature breathing a sigh of relief.” In Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park, wildlife’s future depends on humans’ livelihoods. – National Geographic Cover Story

Wild Pups Roam Again in an African Paradise

“When I flew over Gorongosa,” Mr. du Plessis said, “looking at the prey numbers, the water, the topography — I thought, if you could sketch what wild dog heaven would look like, Gorongosa is it.” – New York Times – Natalie Angier

In Mozambique, a Living Laboratory for Nature’s Renewal – New York Times

And as you drive through it, bumping over roads so deeply rutted you feel like a human castanet, you realize you’ve never been so happy in your life. – Natalie Angier – New York Times

Devastated by war, this African park’s wildlife is now thriving – National Geographic

Waterbuck are way up, to more than 55,000 head, offering testimony on the quality of Gorongosa floodplain habitat and lots of potential food for lions, wild dogs, and leopards. – David Quammen – National Geographic

Children living near national parks are healthier, more prosperous – National Geographic 

While Gorongosa National Park has an explicit goal of making life better for its neighbors and invests much of its resources to that end, many other parks bring real benefits to communities living within six miles (10 kilometers), according to a comprehensive new study published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances. – National Geographic 

Why Cyclone Idai was so destructive -The Protective Power of Parks – National Geographic

 Some of the park’s 260 rangers are waste deep in water delivering supplies to people stranded on termite mounds, one patrol leader told Carr today. They plan to return with canoes to rescue them. – National Geographic 

Women lead the charge in healing scars of war in Mozambique wildlife park – The Guardian

Gorongosa is one of Africa’s most biologically diverse national parks. Its science department aims to inform the ongoing restoration, and support studies around the world. And its female scientists and researchers are leading the way – The Guardian

Coffee Diplomacy – Royal Geographic Society

An ambitious coffee-growing project in Mozambique is not only aiming to bridge political divides and provide business opportunities for war-torn communities, but also to restore the rainforest that once flourished on the slopes of Mount Gorongosa – Heather Richardson – Royal Geographic Society

UNDP Report on Gorongosa

Some of the plants, animals and insects can be found nowhere else on earth. Sarah Wyatt talks about the park’s humanitarian programs in this article published by the United Nations Development Programme in honor of Biodiversity Day – Sarah Wyatt UNDP