Gorongosa Park’s 145 Model Moms and 21 leaders from the districts of Gorongosa, Cheringoma and Muanza are receiving special training in screening for child malnutrition and referral methods for treatment in health facilities.

Child malnutrition is an extremely important issue in nearby communities that directly affects child development.

Model Moms are well-respected local women who are part of a vital network that advises other young women and men how to care for newborn babies.

Once model moms complete training, community leaders work with and inform local families about nutritional food practices and teach them how to use locally produced food for preventing chronic malnutrition.

This same group is trained in the importance of breastfeeding until children are age 2, prenatal consultations, institutional deliveries and how to access family planning.

Model Moms also have an opportunity to practice their new skills in district health centers, markets and primary schools. They help screen for child malnutrition and deliver nutritional education sessions in these locations.

Story / photos – Janado Nazare Cher

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