The Park is open for activities! For activities and campsite reservations please contact For booking accommodation at our lodges and safari camps, please contact
Park Fees and Rules
When you visit Gorongosa National Park, you are directly helping to protect the Park and support the livelihoods of local people.Daily Conservation Fee
The daily conservation fee paid by visitors is used to employ game scouts and support conservation programs that help protect the Park’s wildlife, resources, and its visitors. Prices may be adjusted periodically due to exchange rate variations.
- Seniors (60+)
- Adults (18-59)
- Children (10-17)
- Children (u 10)
- Vehicles
- 100 MT
- 50 MT
- $10 USD
- $10 USD
- $5 USD
- $20 USD
- $20 USD
- $10 USD
* Nationals are citizens of Mozambique.
**SADC Residents are residents from the following countries with a valid ID: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
***For the safety of our guests, we do not permit self-drive safaris. We do have Guided Safaris in open vehicles available, departing from Chitengo Camp / Montebelo Gorongosa Lodge and Safari
Transfers 2024 – Please contact
To book transfers from
+ Beira
+ Chimoio
+ Inchope
+ EN1Turnoff
+ Park Entrance Gate
Please contact
The transfer rates may vary according to fuel pricing
Dollar prices may be subject to exchange rate variations
Minimum of 2 people for all transfers
Air transfers are subject to availability
We want all of our visitors to have a fun and safe time on their Mozambique safari in Gorongosa. To ensure that everyone has a good time and that our wildlife and landscapes are protected, please follow these simple “Do’s and Don’ts”. Some of these rules are in place to show respect and courtesy toward other guests, while others are very strict rules that we enforce to ensure your safety and the safety of others.
Currently we do not allow self-driving in the park. We are working on identifying areas within the park that are suitable for self -driving. Until then we encourage our guests to take part in guided safaris in open vehicles that depart from Chitengo Camp / Montebelo Gorongosa Lodge and Safari.
✔ Adhere to Gate Times – All Park gates open at 6am and close at 6pm. Take care to plan your travel to Gorongosa to ensure that you arrive at the main Park gate before 6pm.
✔ Ask about Age Restrictions – For safety reasons, some activities have age restrictions. Please ask about age restrictions before booking activities for your children to prevent disappointment. Children under the age of 12 are not allowed at Muzimo and Wild Camp however they can stay at Montebelo lodge and Chitengo Campsite. For children under the age of 12 we organize closed vehicles. For security reason, children under 12 are not allowed to go on Safaris on open vehicles.
✔ Bring ID with You – All adults should bring some form of identification on their trip in case they are asked to identify themselves to Park officials.
✔ Declare Firearms at the Gate – Any firearm, dangerous weapon, explosive, trap, or poison must be declared at the gate. The Park reserves the right to search any vehicle suspected of hunting activities.
✗ Litter – Littering is strictly prohibited and you will be fined if you discard any litter in the Park except in designated trash receptacles.
✗ Disturb Other Guests – Don’t behave in an offensive or disorderly manner toward other guests. Also, we ask that you don’t play a radio, other music systems, or musical instruments in a manner that will disturb other guests. The Park has a strict rule of quiet in camp after 2100h.
✗ Cause a Fire Hazard – You are only allowed to start fires in designated fire pits. You will be fined for setting a fire outside of designated areas as you may cause a wildfire.
✗ Throw cigarettes on the ground – Please make sure to throw cigarette butts in trash receptacles. Throwing cigarette butts out your vehicle window in the Park may result in a wildfire.
✗ Drink Alcohol in Public Areas – The consumption of alcohol is only allowed in the Park’s restaurant, campsite, and inside your room.
✗ Allow Overnight Visitors – Guests are only allowed to stay in the rooms that they booked. If you would like to add an additional guest to your reservation, please tell our staff at reception.
✗ Bring Bikes, Roller Skates, or Skateboards – Roller skates, skateboards, bicycles and motorbikes are not allowed unless prior arrangement has been made.
✗ Feed or Disturb Wildlife – Intentionally feeding or disturbing wildlife is a serious offence. Feeding wildlife may cause them to become used to approaching people, make them dependent, and even aggressive toward people. By feeding wildlife, you are doing them more harm than good.
✗ Bring Your Pet –No pets may be brought into the Park because they may carry diseases or parasites that can be harmful to the Park’s wildlife. If you bring your pet inside the Park, you may be fined and your pet may be destroyed. We can make an exception for guide dogs for visually impaired guests who have gotten permission from Park management if the owner can provide documentation of the necessary vaccinations and permits.
✗ Take Plants or Animals – You’re not allowed to remove any plant, animal, natural, or cultural item from the Park without permission. You’re not allowed to cut, damage, destroy, or be in possession of any plant, including firewood. Legal firewood is sold in Park’s main camp.
✗ Bring Plants or Animals to the Park – You’re not allowed to bring any alien or invasive species inside the Park.
✗ Obstruct Park Officials – Park officials are doing their job by keeping you safe. Hindering, intimidating, or obstructing Park officials from doing their job may result in a fine. Refusal to comply with any request or instruction by Park officials for violating Park rules will result in prosecution.
✗ Kill or Injure Animals – Killing or injuring animals is strictly prohibited and will result in imprisonment and prosecution.