Public Tender N˚22/GRP/PROC-LOG/11-2024

Zelinha Zeca

The Gorongosa Restoration Project (Gorongosa National Park) in Mozambique is arguably the greatest wildlife restoration story in Africa. In 2008, the Government of Mozambique and the “Carr” Foundation formed the “Gorongosa Restoration Project,” a 20-year Public-Private Partnership for the joint management of the Park and the human development of the communities neighboring the Park. On June 7, 2018, the Government of Mozambique signed an extension of the Gorongosa National Park management agreement for an additional 25 years.

With funds from USAID, the Gorongosa Restoration Project is implementing the Resilient Infrastructures project and supporting the construction of Health Centers in six districts. The project will begin in the districts of Dondo (Chibuabuabua Health Center), Nhamatanda (Mutondo Health Center), and Gorongosa (Punguè Health Center), and subsequently in the other three districts. The selected civil construction companies will undertake the execution of this project.

In this context, civil construction companies interested and possessing a public works contractor license of at least the 5th class are invited to submit sealed proposals for the execution of the aforementioned project.

Location | District | Health Center

  • Punguè Health Center | Gorongosa
  • Mutondo Health Center | Nhamatanda
  • Chibuabuabua Health Center | Dondo

Interested bidders may obtain the necessary information and the Tender Dossier by requesting it via email at:

Proposals must be submitted in digital format to the email address by December 16, 2024, no later than 5:00 PM.

Further information will be available in the terms of reference, and for any questions, please contact the email address:

Beira, November 28, 2024