Tender for Conservation Consultancy

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Tender launched on March 29 2021

Project Title: Strengthening the conservation of globally threatened species in Mozambique through improving biodiversity enforcement and expanding community conservancies around protected areas.Project Title: Strengthening the conservation of globally threatened species in Mozambique through improving biodiversity enforcement and expanding community conservancies around protected areas.

Implementing Partner: Gorongosa Restoration Project (GRP) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, Mozambique

Details – 

While conservation efforts have been significantly up-scaled in Mozambique since the end of the civil war in 1992, there are several threats affecting biodiversity. Specifically, the national and international market for wildlife products is still of low risk and highly profitable. This project’s objective is to strengthen the conservation of globally threatened species in Mozambique through implementation of the Conservation Areas Act – improving biodiversity enforcement and expanding protected areas through community conservancies and targeted rural development action.

The GRP are seeking a consultant to expand the capacity-building of Central Mozambique’s Illegal Wildlife Trade Unit. The focus will be on training in best-standard techniques, practices and procedures, as well as collation, verification and organization of data. A special focus will be applied to improving current database management procedures.

Proposals are due no later than April 29 2021. Please email a detailed proposal including an outline of curricula, schedule and detailed costs to Dr. Rui Branco, Director of Conservation – RuiBranco1@protonmail.com