Gorongosa employee vaccination rate nears 100%
-Park is first conservation area to receive Mozambique’s “Clean & Safe Seal.”

Gorongosa Park employees are doing their part to control and eradicate COVID-19. The Park’s health department and nursing team are vaccinating 700 employees this week. More than 248 people were vaccinated the first day.

Gorongosa Health Manager Joaquim Ngomane said he’s encouraged by the acceptance of the vaccine among the Park staff and proud of the health team’s ability to mobilize so quickly. “When this second phase is completed, everyone in the Park will be vaccinated,” Ngomane said.

The Park was also recognized for its safe and positive visitor experience with a Clean and Secure Seal presented by the Mozambican government in July. The seal is part of a national inspection process to assure visitors a tourism attraction or hotel meets national health and safety standards.

The Gorongosa Park health team increased access to drinking water and strengthened sanitation standards early in the pandemic. Teams were at community water wells with washing supplies and resources to prevent the spread, and distributed 30,000 face masks sewn by Park staff

Vaccination Gorongosa 2021
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