by Larissa Sousa, Associate Director of Communications at GNP and Masters Students 

To celebrate Ecology Day 2021 at Gorongosa National Park, the Master’s Students and the children from Nhanguco Primary School on Mount Gorongora have began to work together to re-plant trees on the mountain in order to help the rainforest reforestation project. It is to be called “The Childrens Forest”

It was beautiful to see the children excited about reforesting a degraded area right next to their homes and school. Since they live nearby, they are going to be taking care of the 200 seedlings planted.

In the coming months, more seedlings will be planted and the children will go on an ecological safari where they will visit Lake Urema in the center of the Park. It is fascinating to see the children learn and understand the water cycle, and watch as they see it from beginning to end, from their home on the mountain to where the rivers flow downstream to fill Lake Urema, and sustain the Park.

It’s one of the ways that we educate and encourage the children living in and around the Park. And it’s wonderful to see them working as caretakers for the environment, by reforesting the mountain.

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