
The Gorongosa Biodiversity Science Education Program (BioEd) is an integral part of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Laboratory at Gorongosa National Park.  Our objective is to mentor Mozambican students, biologists, and conservation leaders in conservation research through hands-on capacity building workshops, research fellowships, and higher education opportunities, including the Gorongosa Master’s in Conservation Biology Program
BioEd is a Gorongosa Project initiative, supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for Science Education (HHMI Science Education).  BioEd seeks to develop individual Mozambican students, researchers, university faculty and technicians in ecological research and monitoring, conservation biology, sustainable development, adaptive management, and related skills. Through outreach and education, BioEd also aims to increase the capacity of Mozambican educational institutions to train biologists.  The overarching goal of BioEd is to contribute to a secure future for conservation in Mozambique.

Workshops and Advanced Training 

Make Gorongosa National Park your classroom!  BioEd offers short, but intensive workshops taught by invited specialists.  Topics include a range of conservation related themes and focus on student centered and experiential learning in Gorongosa National Park.  Students can choose to study methods in conservation science, biological documentation, ecology, taxonomy, and a variety of analytical techniques.  Our workshops make a lasting impact on students and have helped them advance in their studies and careers.
Students can choose to study methods in conservation science, biological documentation, ecology, taxonomy, and a variety of analytical techniques.  Our workshops make a lasting impact on students and have helped them advance in their studies and careers.
Workshops join theory and with practical experience.  Lectures and lab work are conducted in the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Laboratory located in the heart of Gorongosa National Park. Facilities include a lecture hall and synoptic, zoological and botanical collections as well as a molecular biology laboratory.
Students also have the opportunity to conduct field work in Gorongosa National Park. Workshop sizes are kept small to ensure students receive one-on-one mentoring from instructors. Students are immersed in the park’s research environment, preparing them to pursue independent studies in biodiversity and advance in their careers in conservation.  Please check the website regularly for information on upcoming workshops and contact with questions.


Women in Conservation Workshop

Chemical Ecology Workshop


13-18 June 2022

21-28 November 2022


Women in Conservation Workshop – 13-18 June 2022

Chemical Ecology Workshop – 21-28 November 2022

Mozambican Students attend a workshop in the  E.O. Wilson Laboratory at Gorongosa National Park. Mozambique

Biodiversity Research Fellowships and Internships

BioEd also offers mentorship and training to high school graduates from Gorongosa National Park’s buffer zone.  Interns spend six months to one year in the park, assisting in research both in the lab and the field.  They interact with an international group of researchers and contribute to science and conservation in the park.  Interns are also tutored in preparation for university entrance exams and are assisted in the process of beginning their university education.  For more information, please contact

Research Grants for Young Mozambicans

The E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Laboratory offers short-term research funding for well developed proposals from Mozambican students and early-career scientists to enrich our understanding of biodiversity and ecological processes in Gorongosa National Park. For more information please contact




To become recognized nationally and internationally as a master’s program that prepares professionals capable of contributing to conservation through biodiversity research and effective management.


To provide master’s students the highest quality education possible in conservation biology in Mozambique. Students will graduate with ample scientific knowledge and will be capable of conducting research and working in conservation management. Graduates will be critical thinkers, have high ethical standards, and a strong sense of compassion. These qualities will guide them in their work in conservation and sustainable development.

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