Nov 23, 2023 | Community, Education, Sustainable Development
Top photo – Gorongosa Park has a long tradition of hosting graduate students and educators from abroad. Boise State University graduate Rebecca Bishop handles a White-backed Vulture in the field in Mozambique, Africa at Gorongosa National Park (Photo credit:...
Nov 21, 2023 | Community, Conservation
by Larissa Sousa The Gorongosa Project in partnership with UNDP organized a reflection meeting for two days in Beira, to discuss and reflect on how to operationalize the Community Conservation Areas (ACC) of the Park’s Buffer Zone. This meeting was attended by...
Nov 13, 2023 | Community, Education, Health
by Larissa Sousa The Gorongosa Restortion Project and UN-Habitat, in collaboration and coordination with the Provincial Health Directorate (DPS), held a meeting to validate the proposed interventions for the resilient (re)construction of 6 health centers alongside the...
Nov 13, 2023 | Community, Conservation, Education, Environmental Cleanup, Equality and Human Rights, Sustainable Development
Top photo – Former President of Mozambique Joaquim Chissano and Greg Carr (GRP) signing the MoU. Friday, November 10th, 2023The Joaquim Chissano Foundation and the Gorongosa Restoration Project signed an agreement on November 1st, 2023 to promote sustainable...
Oct 28, 2023 | Biodiversity, Community, Conservation, Education, Employee Profile, Masters
by Marc Stalmans, Ph.d, Science Director, Gorgongosa National Park Gorongosa National Park recently celebrated the return of Margarida Victor after she successfully completed her Master’s studies in Ireland. Margarida Victor was born in Nampula Province in the...
Oct 16, 2023 | Biodiversity, Community, Conservation, GEF, Sustainable Development, Tourism, UNDP
Recently, construction began on the Inhaminga Community Conservation Center (CCC) in Cheringoma, with a ceremonial laying of the first stone. This project, being financed by GEF6 and UNDP, aims to reinforce the conservation of globally threatened species in...