Oct 28, 2023 | Biodiversity, Community, Conservation, Education, Employee Profile, Masters
by Marc Stalmans, Ph.d, Science Director, Gorgongosa National Park Gorongosa National Park recently celebrated the return of Margarida Victor after she successfully completed her Master’s studies in Ireland. Margarida Victor was born in Nampula Province in the...
Oct 22, 2023 | Conservation, Masters, Science, UNDP
by Professor Susana Carvalho, Associate Director, Paleontology and Primatology, Gorongosa National Park The Gorongosa Project is thrilled to celebrate Rassina Farassi’s completion of a Master’s Degree in Primatology! Rassina Farassi was born in Cabo Delgado...
Oct 16, 2023 | Biodiversity, Community, Conservation, GEF, Sustainable Development, Tourism, UNDP
Recently, construction began on the Inhaminga Community Conservation Center (CCC) in Cheringoma, with a ceremonial laying of the first stone. This project, being financed by GEF6 and UNDP, aims to reinforce the conservation of globally threatened species in...
Oct 9, 2023 | Community, Conservation, Education, Health, Uncategorized
Several communities in the Maringué District near Gorongosa National Park now enjoy clean water, thanks to three new boreholes built to improve water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in schools and health centers. The project, partially funded by a USD50,000...
Jul 26, 2023 | Community, Conservation, Education, Girls Club, Youth Clubs
Great entertainment and topics of social interest ruled the day when “Radio in the Street” came to the EPC of Nhambita. More importantly, local young people, their parents and their guardians came together to celebrate the moment and discuss topics that...
Jul 23, 2023 | Arts and Culture, Community, Conservation, Education, Girls Club, Youth Clubs
by Samo Jossefa Samo How wonderful and contagious it is to be part of a Gorongosa National Park Youth Club. “Innovate, invent, create and undertake” are words that define one of the goals of the youth club program. In this context, several members of the...