May 15, 2022 | Community, Equality and Human Rights, Girls Club
Primary school teachers in communities near Gorongosa National Park are being trained how to use sensitive and gender-transforming teaching techniques in schools as a way to protect girls from inequality. Gender inequality is still an issue for some schools where...
Apr 1, 2022 | Agriculture, Biodiversity, Community, Education, Girls Club, Tourism
Improved nutrition, clean drinking water, one million more trees and increased income for 13,000 small holder farms are included in a letter of intent signed by the Gorongosa Restoration Project and the Netherlands Embassy in Mozambique. The Netherlands is committing...
Mar 30, 2022 | Community, Conservation, Education, Equality and Human Rights, Girls Club, Sustainable Development, Youth Clubs
-Janado Nazare Cher Young people living near Gorongosa National Park are getting in touch with their dream jobs and career options through training in electricity, cutting and sewing, computers, computer repair systems, civil metalworking and cooking. In March, 286...
Jun 1, 2021 | Awareness, Community, Conservation, Education, Girls Club
“Our Gorongosa,” the inspirational film by Tangled Bank Studios and Gorongosa Media is debuting on local public television stations across the United States this summer and nationally in the United States on WORLD Channel, produced by GBH in partnership with the...
May 28, 2021 | Awareness, Community, Education, Girls Club, Health
The Girls Clubs program organized a reflective meeting where 30 girls (12 from Pungue Norte and 18 scholarship recipients) got together in commemoration of “Menstrual Hygiene Day” in Chitengo. This year the celebrations were focused on awareness raising...
May 1, 2021 | Community, Conservation, Education, Girls Club
In celebration of the International Workers’ Day, six girls from the clubs of Murombodzi (3) and Mapangapanga (3) visited the Park where they learned about professions related to Conservation of Biodiversity, in particular the role of a Bio-Education Officer and...