Diolinda Mundoza

My name is Diolinda Mundoza, I was born and raised in the village of Gorongosa, in Sofala Province, which is 60km from the Park.
Since I was a little girl, I have had a passion for animals and plants, and always hoped that one day I would work in nature. When I heard about the internship program at Gorongosa, I saw it as an opportunity to be close to nature and joined in 2017.
I participated in several other areas of science, but I was most interested in ornithology (in particular, monitoring birds of prey.
Since December 2021, I’ve worked at Gorongosa National Park, in the Department of Scientific Services as a research technician. I do field and laboratory work (chemical extraction in plants)
Working at Gorongosa as a scientist is opening doors and opportunities for many of us. Gorongosa National Park is our heritage. It is important to conserve Gorongosa’s Biodiversity so that future generations can experience what we experience today.
I enjoy science as I like to understand more about methods of mitigating climate change as it has severe influences on biodiversity and human development.