In celebration of the International Workers’ Day, six girls from the clubs of Murombodzi (3) and Mapangapanga (3) visited the Park where they learned about professions related to Conservation of Biodiversity, in particular the role of a Bio-Education Officer and of Tourist Guides, and Apiculture. The girls had the opportunity to get to know the scientific department and learned about the Master programme in Conservation Biology in the Park.


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Then they went on to a safari where the tour guide Agness, showed them the famous yellow acacia tree which grows in wetlands and that elephants love, they also saw the huge baobab trees and ilala palm trees that they know well as raw material for the manufacturing of mats, brooms, baskets and the traditional drink called sura. They saw animals like waterbuck, painted wolves, wartogs, ants, impalas and even birds like the marabou.

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The girls were accompanied by their Promoters (4) and Godmothers (4) from each club that have helped the girls develop their literacy, numeracy and other life skills and also helped make them aware of their rights and to stay in school. To finish the day, they traveled to Gorongosa Village where we have the Honey Processing Factory, they learned about beekeeping and how the Park is working with communities to promote coexistence between Humans and wildlife, by placing beehives along the crossings so that elephants do not cross into the communities.

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