Children’s Day is celebrated in Mozambique on June 1 every year, creating unique and remarkable moments for the children who celebrate the day.

This year children from the communities of Nhambita and Vinho spent International Children’s Day expressing their joy, sharing their skills through song and dance, and reciting poems on the theme of children’s rights.

The day was fun for the children, and for adults it was a day to reflect on the rights of the little ones, who face many challenges. Some children are not always respected or don’t have a family to protect, educate, or teach them to grow up with dignity and respect for themselves and others.

This year’s activities were coordinated by a new preschool program which is only two months old and managed by the Gorongosa Restoration Project. Children enrolled in the program are already showing how easy it is to learn subjects taught in Portuguese, which prepares them for primary school.

Vinho is located in the district of Nhamatanda, and Nhambita is part of the district of Gorongosa.

Stories and photos by Janado Nazare Cher.

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