District supervisors and field technicians who work in the Gorongosa National Park Human Development and Livelihoods Department are learning more about gender equality, gender-based violence, women’s rights, program monitoring and evaluation.

Once they complete the training, these program managers will have the tools and knowledge they need to address practical aspects of gender equality; preventing, combating and enforcing legislation on gender-based violence; and making sure men participate in promoting, respecting, and enhancing the rights of women and girls. 

Other new skills trainees will have include the ability to learn, document, analyze, and interpret project data and generate evidence to inform the decision-making process.

The training is part of the “Peace through Economic Action and Community Empowerment (PEACE)” project, financed by the Canadian Embassy.  The project is designed to improve access to and performance of basic health and education services and expand economic livelihoods in the communities around the Park. 

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