-By Janado Nazaré Cher

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Gorongosa National Park, through the Men for Equality Program, organized various activities to provide men and women with moments that awaken respect and support for all human rights and gender equality, and reinforce zero tolerance for all forms of harassment and violence against women.

To mark the day, the women of the Sustainable Development Department of the GNP received plants as gifts and also had the opportunity to participate in a debate on harassment, a topic that affects everyone and especially women across the country.

During the event, several issues related to harassment, with emphasis on the workplace, were brought to the debate. Men and women became knowledgeable about how laws and procedures are taken into account in cases of identification or complaints of gender issues.

This year’s theme for International Day of the Woman, “Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow”, recognizes the contributions of women and girls around the world, as they lead the processes of adaptation, mitigation and response to climate change and building a more sustainable future for all.

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