A local Peace Committee is working to increase its ability to support and include more ex-combatants in the Demobilization, Disarmament and Reintegration process by expanding the Peace Club program in the Gorongosa and Cheringoma districts and the Mazamba locality.

Peace Club organizers began the program in May of 2021 by creating a safe space where each participant can engage in personal development and share their experiences, life stories and prospects for the future.

Today, local officials are creating Peace Committees as a way of ensuring the program’s success in their communities. The committees encourage Peace Club members to develop local income generation projects and participate in livelihood and community improvement programs implemented by Gorongosa Park’s Sustainable Development Department.

As a Peace Committee is set up, program coordinators meet with local school officials where the clubs are located so they can better support the project’s beneficiaries by including ex-combatants in sports, education programs, biodiversity conservation projects and discussions about gender equality and social inclusion.

Local leaders, as well as the ex-combatants, say they are satisfied with program’s progress and reaffirmed their commitment to conserving the environment, encouraging community members to join the education centers and engaging in primary education for youth and adults.

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