Gorongosa News, Updates and Insights
Margarida Victor, exploring boundless horizons
by Marc Stalmans, Ph.d, Science Director, Gorgongosa National Park Gorongosa National Park recently celebrated the return of Margarida Victor after she successfully completed her Master’s studies in Ireland. Margarida Victor was born in Nampula Province in the...
Meet Rassina Farassi, the first female primatologist in Mozambique
by Professor Susana Carvalho, Associate Director, Paleontology and Primatology, Gorongosa National Park The Gorongosa Project is thrilled to celebrate Rassina Farassi’s completion of a Master’s Degree in Primatology! Rassina Farassi was born in Cabo Delgado...
Launch Ceremony – Inhaminga Center for Community Conservation Areas
Recently, construction began on the Inhaminga Community Conservation Center (CCC) in Cheringoma, with a ceremonial laying of the first stone. This project, being financed by GEF6 and UNDP, aims to reinforce the conservation of globally threatened species in...
New boreholes improve water access and supply to Maringué District communities.
Several communities in the Maringué District near Gorongosa National Park now enjoy clean water, thanks to three new boreholes built to improve water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in schools and health centers. The project, partially funded by a USD50,000...
Luxury meets wilderness at Gorongosa Park’s new Muzimu Lodge
Photos - Olivier Grunewald Muzimu Lodge is a beautiful and exclusive retreat located on the banks of the Mussicadzi River in Gorongosa National Park - a 4,000-square-kilometer area of beautiful, untouched wilderness, situated at the very end of the Africa’s Great Rift...
New Paleo-Primate Project publication describes the first Miocene fossils from coastal woodlands in the southern East African Rift in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique.
Monday, September 11th, 2023 After four field seasons, extensive surveys, and new approaches in the search of paleontological sites, a new publication from the Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa describes the first Miocene fossils from coastal woodlands in the...
Building Brighter Futures: New classrooms will double as storm-ready shelters
More than 2,800 students and their teachers from primary schools in the Nhamatanda district will soon benefit from better teaching and learning conditions thanks to the construction of 36 new classrooms in six local elementary schools. The project also includes...
Peace Club leadership training focuses on life skills and gender issues.
Gorongosa National Park's Peace Club facilitators from the Cheringoma and Gorongosa districts received additional training in adult education methodology, implementing projects for the development of communities, skills for dealing with people involved in the armed...
“Coffee for Water” takes Gorongosa Coffee to the world stage.
Viewers from around the world can now watch a remarkable story of conservation, hope, and the transformative potential of "Coffee for Water". The half-hour segment is one of eight episodes from the Wild Hope series which shines a spotlight on visionary...
Gorongosa Youth Club mural emphasizes environmental conservation.
by Samo Jossefa Samo Raising awareness is one way to get everyone "Ready to Conserve the Environment", a duty for all of us and, at the same time, one of the specific objectives of the Youth Clubs of Gorongosa National Park. Around 13 club members, including four...