More than 210 children between the ages of 4 and 5 years old from Nhambita and Vinho, are the first to enroll in the Little School Club, a new education program that prepares pre-school age children for elementary school.

Fourteen facilitators, trained and equipped with the fundamentals of child development and care, help introduce the children to the basics of language and literacy, mathematics, arts and creativity, and much more.

Starting a Little School Club is a milestone for Vinho, where parents and community members showed their support for the benefits and positive impact it will have on their children and local development.

The pilot program, developed by the Gorongosa Restoration Project, was launched in Nhambita and Vinho in mid-April, and will eventually be offered to other communities located in the Park’s Sustainable Development Zone, including Nhamatanda, Dondo, Cheringoma, Muanza, and Marínguè.

Story / photos – Janado Nazare Cher

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More than 210 children from Vinho and Nhambita are enrolled in the pre-school program.
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