by Janado Nazaré Cher

More than 445 Youth Club young women and men from Gorongosa, Nhamatanda and Cheringoma districts received training in sewing, electricity, computing, computer repair, culinary techniques and metal work, thanks to a partnership between the Gorongosa Youth Clubs, the Young Africa Institute and AAS Technologies.

The training program is designed to prepare young women and men for the job market and allow them to choose a profession in tune with their stories, dreams and skills.

The training lasts 45 days. Participating youth receive equipment kits, including uniforms, sewing machines, computers, tools, and more.

Plans are to extend the skills training program to other districts that border Gorongosa National Park, including Muanza, Dondo and Maríngue.

Youth Clubs  Training, Gorongosa National Park
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