Apr 4, 2023 | Community, Education, Youth Clubs
A total of 156 students, 116 of whom are in Mazamba and 40 in Chite, are enrolled in the new Distance Secondary Education Program. Enrollment is expected to grow in the coming years, and will include mostly girls and women. A new training program designed to respond...
Apr 4, 2023 | Community, Education, Equality and Human Rights
The new school is a partnership between the Mozambican Embassy of Japan and Gorongosa National Park. Tuesday, April 4th, 2023 A new three-room Primary School opened in Nhandar near Gorongosa National Park in March with help and financial support from the Japanese...
Apr 4, 2023 | Awareness, Community, Education, Equality and Human Rights, Girls Club, Health
The lives of nearly 1,000 vulnerable children living in Mozambique have improved thanks to a social sports school program that started in 2018 in the rural village communities near Gorongosa Park. High levels of illiteracy have a direct impact on the development of...
Apr 2, 2023 | Community, Education, Equality and Human Rights, Gender Based Violence, Health
District supervisors and field technicians who work in the Gorongosa National Park Human Development and Livelihoods Department are learning more about gender equality, gender-based violence, women’s rights, program monitoring and evaluation. Once they complete...
Feb 24, 2023 | Conservation, Education, Tourism
Five Gorongosa tour guides received intensive training and certification in late 2022 and include (from left) Paulo Chassara, Naida Conjane, José Montinho, Eminência Mbalate and Clemente Banda. Story/photos by Janado Nazare Cher Four new safari guides received...
Dec 3, 2022 | Community, Education, Equality and Human Rights, USAID
More than 100 children who enrolled in a new pre-school program launched in May graduated in late November and are ready for elementary school. The pre-school graduation ceremony is the first in the history of the Vinho community. For the parents and guardians who...