Jul 4, 2022 | Biodiversity, Conservation, Education, EO Wilson, Sustainable Development
(Camping photo – Merlyn Nomsa Nkomo) A team of Gorongosa scientists returned from an early May expedition to Mount Gorongosa with host of new data and wildlife findings. It was the first opportunity to survey the mountain’s unique terrain in 11 years....
Jul 1, 2022 | Community, Conservation, Education, Sustainable Development
1. We co-manage Gorongosa National Park with the Government of Mozambique. This fact is our guiding principle as we decide who we are, what we do and where we do it. We use a dual approach of Human Development and Conservation, which are implemented simultaneously in...
Jun 19, 2022 | Community, Education, Equality and Human Rights, Youth Clubs
The future of girls and boys going on to secondary school, continuing their studies and becoming the next generation of leaders for Mozambique just got brighter. Many local students find it difficult to go on or complete secondary school because the schools are far...
Jun 19, 2022 | Community, Education, Equality and Human Rights, Girls Club
More than 500 pieces of clothing – dresses, tunics, shorts, underwear and masks for the protection against COVID – 19 – were distributed in June to 300 children living in communities near Gorongosa National Park. The clothes were donated to...
Jun 4, 2022 | Community, Education, Youth Clubs
Children’s Day is celebrated in Mozambique on June 1 every year, creating unique and remarkable moments for the children who celebrate the day. This year children from the communities of Nhambita and Vinho spent International Children’s Day expressing their joy,...
May 24, 2022 | Biodiversity, Community, Education, EO Wilson, Sustainable Development
Environmental Club students from the Vila de Gorongosa primary school spent World Biodiversity Day, visiting Gorongosa National Park, touring the E.O. Wilson Laboratory and spending time with staff from the Park Conservation sector. Gorongosa Park Administrator Pedro...