Jul 15, 2021 | Biodiversity, Science, Wildlife
Waterbuck in a floodplain at Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique Article published by Justine Becker, Matt Hutchinson and other co-authors in Ecological Monographs. The spectacular abundance of waterbuck has become synonymous with Gorongosa National Park. More than...
Jun 7, 2021 | Biodiversity, Science, Wildlife
More than 4,392 nests were counted by Gorongosa scientist Jason Denlinger during our waterfowl colony count in 2021 at Lake Urema. Counted species include Snake Diving, Open Beak Storks, Holy Ibis, African Harvesters, White Herons, Royal Herons, Sea Crows, and Yellow...
May 26, 2021 | Biodiversity, Science, Wildlife
“Rest-Head”: In Gorongosa an adolescent female in Iria’s family rests her head on a calf. Photo: ElephantVoices They say elephants never forget. And, for decades, scientists have shown us that elephants are also highly intelligent. They are “among the most socially...