Oct 21, 2021 | Community, Conservation, Human Wildlife Coexistance
Conservation Director, Angelo Levi and Government and Partner Relations Director, Aurora Malene Psico Today, the Gorongosa Project named Angelo Levi as Director of Conservation, and Aurora Malene Psico as Director of Government and Partner Relations. Angelo Levi holds...
Oct 11, 2021 | Community, Conservation, Education, Sustainable Development
Today, the Gorongosa Project named Dr. Marisa Rodrigues as Director of Sustainable Development. Dr. Rodrigues earned a PhD in Animal Breeding and Genetics from São Paulo State University, Brazil. She has been a member of the Gorongosa Sustainable Development team,...
Sep 17, 2021 | Community, Education, EO Wilson, Science
On the 17th of September, the Department of Scientific Services of GNP had the pleasure of inaugurating the newly built Environmental Laboratory, financed by the Government of Portugal. This infrastructure complements the existing laboratories to allow experiments...
Aug 26, 2021 | Awareness, Community, Conservation
The Sofala districts of Dondo and Nhamatanda are in the process of creating Community Conservation Areas. Both communities held public input meetings in August to hear reactions to the proposal from different groups. According to ANAC Director of Conservation Armindo...
Aug 15, 2021 | Community, Health
Gorongosa employee vaccination rate nears 100%-Park is first conservation area to receive Mozambique’s “Clean & Safe Seal.” Gorongosa Park employees are doing their part to control and eradicate COVID-19. The Park’s health department and nursing...
Jul 24, 2021 | Community, Health
Fredson Bacar, Mozambican Vice-Minister of Culture and Tourism presents a Clean & Secure seal to Gorongosa Park Warden Pedro Maugura. Gorongosa National Park is being recognized for its safe and positive visitor experience with a Clean and Secure Seal presented...