Jun 9, 2021 | Biodiversity, Conservation, EO Wilson, Science
On June 10, E.O. Wilson will celebrate his 92nd birthday, and in the spirit of Half-Earth Project the EO Wilson Foundation is inviting everyone to celebrate with him. They are welcoming everyone to honor his impact by making a commemorative “92 for 92” gift and they...
Jun 1, 2021 | Awareness, Community, Conservation, Education, Girls Club
“Our Gorongosa,” the inspirational film by Tangled Bank Studios and Gorongosa Media is debuting on local public television stations across the United States this summer and nationally in the United States on WORLD Channel, produced by GBH in partnership with the...
May 1, 2021 | Community, Conservation, Education, Girls Club
In celebration of the International Workers’ Day, six girls from the clubs of Murombodzi (3) and Mapangapanga (3) visited the Park where they learned about professions related to Conservation of Biodiversity, in particular the role of a Bio-Education Officer and...
Apr 6, 2021 | Community, Conservation, Uncategorized
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the animal population in the Gorongosa National Park and also an increase in the human population in the Communities in the Sustainable Development Zone around the Park. This growth had led the Park to create...
Mar 29, 2021 | Biodiversity, Community, Conservation
According to the report of the National Forest Inventory, there are about 2,202,470 hectares of forests in Sofala province, which in recent years have suffered threats due to the practice of unsustainable activities. This places the province at position 3 at the...
Mar 12, 2021 | Biodiversity, Conservation, Painted Wolves, Science
Gorongosa National Park’s Painted Wolves on departure for Karingani Game Reserve In 2018, through the Wild Dog Range Expansion Project, the first Painted Wolves were introduced into Gorongosa National Park and a year later, Karingani Game Reserve received their...