Nov 9, 2022 | Community, Education, Sustainable Development
Electrical work, culinary arts and skilled trades are among several courses selected by the young people of the Cheringoma district for the next phase of an intensive job training program. Trainees who participate in the program will explore different professions and...
Oct 30, 2022 | Community, Education, Sustainable Development, Uncategorized
Approximately 300 people were on hand as local officials launched the first Gorongosa Project School Feeding program at the EPC de Bêbedo school in October. Program managers agree healthy eating is critical for student retention and focusing in the...
Oct 17, 2022 | Biodiversity, Conservation, Education
Gorongosa National Park is included as rewilding success story in “Wilder”, a global tour of innovative conservation projects led by passionate environmentalists. Rewilding is a new approach to wildlife conservation with incredible potential. Author Millie Kerr...
Sep 7, 2022 | Community, Education, Equality and Human Rights, Sustainable Development
A local Peace Committee is working to increase its ability to support and include more ex-combatants in the Demobilization, Disarmament and Reintegration process by expanding the Peace Club program in the Gorongosa and Cheringoma districts and the Mazamba locality....
Sep 4, 2022 | Community, Education
Art, creativity and innovation are themes that were part of a four-day exchange of ideas between the facilitators of the Gorongosa National Park’s Pre-school Child Development Program. The educators came together to talk about their experiences and produce...
Sep 4, 2022 | Community, Education
Many primary school teachers in the communities surrounding Gorongosa National Park face great challenges with managing large or mixed classes, which leads teachers to redouble their efforts in the teaching process. One solution to not having enough teachers or...